Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who got whacked?

Warning - Sopranos spoilers below.

At first, I liked the Sopranos finale... then I felt betrayed. Now, after two days of near-constant analysis, I'm on board with it. I think it was a brilliant way to end the show. Howard Stern had the best appraisal IMO. He said that Chase created an atmosphere of tension and paranoia that must start to approximate how T and his family live their lives. Listening to the dozens of theories of "what happened next" has been very amusing, and in some ways, this must have been exactly what Chase wanted. And no, I don't think there will be a movie deal. Oh - the other funny thing that Stern said was that James Gandolfini should legally change his name to Tony Soprano... good stuff.

Slate keeps a running Sopranos dialog, and this week's is excellent, as usual.

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