Thursday, November 1, 2007

Autumn Leaves

It really is beautiful around here. We had a terrific Halloween last night. On Tuesday, we carved our pumpkins, which was the usual slimy mess. We opted for more simple designs this year, in lieu of the complicated patterns of past year. I think they turned out pretty well, though.

On Halloween, we went trick-or-treating on Harper Street, which is some sort of Hyde Park yearly staple. It was quite the mob scene. The houses are all beautiful and decorated, and people line up in to get candy from each person. At one point, I saw this tall guy in a mask and a hat directing his kids around from house to house - his voice was pretty unmistakable. I took a picture of the back of his head. If you can't figure it out, click here.

The kids got a ton of candy, though not nearly as much as years past in Dedham. Zach was disappointed in the take, but I think he'll recover. Now it's on to Thanksgiving.

2007 Halloween Pictures
2006 Halloween Pictures
2005 Halloween Pictures
2004 Halloween Pictures

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